Grow in your faith and be encouraged
Previous Sermons
Last Steps - John 13
In our time together today we are going to look at a very important lesson Jesus wanted to make sure His people learned in John 13.
Last Steps - Listen to Him?
This week we are going to look at one of the most remarkable things God did while Jesus was on this earth and learn to ask the question: Am I listening?
Last Steps - Who is Jesus
Last Steps is 4-weeks inspiring the Church to follow Jesus’ last week on earth and try to make sense of
God’s plan by understanding the identity, the calling, the heart, and the cross of Christ. Last Steps will
challenge the Church to increase curiosity of the Savior, amplify worship to God, and draw attention and
glory to the Cross and Jesus’ greatest victory.
Your Story Matters - Week 2
In our second and final week of Your Story Matters, Pastor Steven interviews 3 different couples on leadership, groups, and serving!
Your Story Matters - Pt. 1
One thing we say a lot around here is that Your Story Matters. We truly believe that, so we dedicated a two week series to hear some amazing stories of our own City Hope families. Enjoy part 1!
Walls into Windows - Week 4
What do you hunger for? Join us for our last week in our series "Walls into Windows" and find out what pastor Bobby has to say about It!
Walls into Windows - Week 3
Pastor Bobby talks about the holiness of God in Week 3 of our series, Walls into Windows.
Walls into Windows - Week 2
In week 2 of our series "Walls into Windows," Pastor Bobby challenges us to honor each other even when we may disagree.
Walls to Windows - Week 1
As we start our new series, Wall to Windows, Pastor Bobby gives us insight on humility and a blueprint to how to build life giving relationship rooted in humility.
Heart for the House - Week 2
In our second week in our series, "Heart for the House," we learn what the purpose of the church is and how to be a producer instead of a consumer.